Weil jetzt so viel spekuliert wird, wer Minister*in wird. Wie so etwas abläuft, kann man in der ersten Episode von "Yes, Minister" verfolgen, inklusive der nervösen Telefonate: https://dai.ly/x5v4rh9 (Fiktion, aber gute Fiktion)
"I haven't had a call, have you? Bill's had a call? What's he got? Europe? /2
"I haven't had a call, have you? Bill's had a call? What's he got? Europe? /2
Ich finde schade, dass kein unabhängiger Justizministet kommt. So wirds heißen, der böse rote ist schuld...
"Lucky Europe. - Does Bill speak French?"
"He can hardly speak English."
"Martin's got the Foreign Office."
"Has he? Jack's got Health and Fred's got Energy."
"Has anyone got Brains?"
"Do you mean Education?"
"No, I know what I mean."