This just was passed onto me of my Pa #jonpertwee taken in the Sergeant’s mess during the Korean War. I know very little of papa serving there other than he stole a tank. Alcohol may have been involved.
Thanks to Mark Howard for sharing this. His father is the fine moustached Denis Howard pictured.
Thanks to Mark Howard for sharing this. His father is the fine moustached Denis Howard pictured.
Over a thousand our boys killed and the Americans lost over 54,000 as many as they lost in Vietnam.
They say a picture paints a 1000 words. This one with yer dad and his pals does, no attempt at smiling wide eyed, a look of war weariness.
You realize this is only the BEGINNING of that story??
This is the end, of course.
Thank you. I have read so many Jon stories but I have never seen any Korea stuff before.
You sir, are my fav Alfred!
Except taller
Just started re watching your dad in his tenure as the Dr.