In the “what crap has he done today” category.
N.S. wants to deny 'vexatious' information requests. Critics say they are concerned
Province introduced changes to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act in surprise bill
N.S. wants to deny 'vexatious' information requests. Critics say they are concerned
Province introduced changes to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act in surprise bill
"a frivolous or vexatious litigant"
Tim Houston wants to eliminate criticism AND transparency. He's on a real roll.
I had hoped that the "Progressive Conservatives" #PC party would actually be different than the #CPC and #UCP but no.
#nspoli #cdpoli
Good luck
He triggered an early election and guess what, he won more seats and Liberal Party of N.S. got badly wrecked!
Stephen Mcneil/Iain Rankin was the only Premier that served N.S. well. 😠😥
“Fine: let ‘em vote him in. They’ll get what they deserve!”
And now they are indeed getting “what they deserve.”
Sadly, so is everyone else bc not enough voted for sanity.
Please don’t wave ‘em off. Try to convince any eligible non-voter to vote…for sanity.
It's sickening!
It's all the same conservative playbook, mirroring the US.
I bet (hope) the librarians are gathering en force to take the rotten little weasel on.