Tens of millions of American Christians are embracing a charismatic movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, which seeks to destroy the secular state.
Empty beliefs, demand that they alone are correct; They are loud and argumentative.
The louder you are yelling that you are a Christian?
The more likely that you are Not.
You are more concerned with Trump's kingdom, then Christ's. You routinely & purposefully get in the way of the gospel. This #NewApostolicReformation is the our #Taliban.
Why would anyone wish to spend eternity with you?
What next? Aliens?
They make Christianity repugnant & toxic & shameful & disgusting.
If Jesus were to appear at any of their churches, they would do so only in order to scold these people & to persuade them to not be such assholes.
They're not doing this for Jesus. This is toxic narcissism, not religion.
Vanilla ISIS
Rice Christians
They tell us who they are. We should take them at their word. They are dangerous zealots who will destroy everything they touch, like Trump.