We used to have a saying about this. But it was a long time ago. So long the words themselves are now deformed and uttered only with tired lips out of obligation.
I've just been playing the game in hollowed form. I knew humanity worked to reverse hollowing and kindling bonfire, but didn't realize it affected stats. So I just beat the Bell Gargoyle and Capra Demon, omw to the next area still hollow. I think it's better than world tendency at least.
The humanity system in ds1 is my least favorite, but thankfully there is a really chill way of farming by going to the depths and killing rats with the cov. Serpent ring. And once you get ten humanities pop them and it increases your discovery.
This was how I felt playing dark souls 2 and getting my max HP cut to half for dying too much and having limited effigies to restore it. At least bloodborne doesn't pull this shit
I sometimes wonder what those peoples’ personal life is like. Do they go into everything with that level of elitist venom? Do they only eat raw food because eating cooked food is life’s easymode? Do they close their eyes while driving because vision is OP and God needs to nerf it?
The First Failing of Dark Souls 1 is quite simply put: You have to rely on community information instead of discovery, and that era is souls players were insufferable elitist gatekeepers.
estus flask upgrades is initially hindering, but also exploitable to get 20 flasks way too early.
obtaining Humanity isnt that bad actually, it just requires doing the online activities... but when only humanity-active peeps can host it limits player pool.
i have played this game for years and years and have basically never bothered kindling bonfires except for Andre's and the one before O+S. 5 estus is enough most of the time. the system is obtuse but you don't need 20 estus at every bonfire to finish the game.
It sucks that they limit your ability to coop, but I don’t feel like it otherwise has a large effect on gameplay. In my playthough, I just accepted that I would be hollow, saving my humanity to kindle at tough sections. Never felt like I was at risk of running out, but I didn’t really use summoning
You play as the chosen undead, a hero that must repeatedly throw themselves against the wall, constantly losing their humanity but somehow never losing their mind completely. The gameplay and the themes are deeply intertwined. It’s brutal, but that’s why it’s so beloved
I went on to explain the precise abilities it gates, which include major modifications to the health system (a fundamental and constant part of the game), access to major passive damage reduction buffs, and the entirety of the online component
If you want to count up how many things in the game could be called "abilities" and then assert that the ones I named don't numerically add up to being half of them then sure, that's correct, but the actual meaning of what I said was pretty clear
look if you wanna excuse yourself for poorly representing something that you're mad at, I can't stop you. but that's what makes this a "typical angry gamer rant".
Dark Souls II is the worst, as it actively cuts you health bar down every time you die. Fortunately in the Dark Souls remake, you have a chance to get random “sympathy” humanity as you play.
I doubt I even kindled any bonfires my first run through the game, I at least never farmed anything, so I wouldn't go so far as to say unviable. However, it certainly does mess with the difficulty, it's weird that skill is rewarded by making the game easier instead of the other way around.
I don’t think I engaged with this system at all on my first play through not cuz I’m some god gamer or anything I just hate using limited consumables, I do agree that OG Dark Souls has the worst implementation of it by far though
I liked DS3’s implementation well enough I just saved embers for the bosses that were super kicking my ass and didn’t use them until I felt I just needed a little extra boost to finish them off
"Oh, you died because this boss fight was hard? No problem, we're going to make your next attempt even harder by reducing your health and disabling coop unless you happen to have a limited consumable on you."
it only reduces your health in ds2, and there’s a ring you get in one of the first areas of that game to mitigate the health reduction. also the consumables can be a pain to get, but they aren’t limited. there are enemies that can drop them in ds1 and ds2, albeit not very commonly for the most part.
Yeah like honestly that was the only issue I've had with any of the humanity systems personally, it's kinda bullshit to reduce max HP. I won't spend a bunch of time arguing with someone why I don't find the DS1 system bad, though, or why they shouldn't.
that’s fair. honesty I think the ember system in ds3 was the best anyway. it just makes me sad to see people not playing these games because of the whole “git gud” thing. obnoxious fans really just ruin everything huh
If you don't like this mechanic you just gotta git gud until you can win the fight while barely getting hit, because as we know memorization and trial and error are the most fun things about a game. Or just play another game that's more suited to your skill level like Peppa Pig or something ;)))))))
Not back then. Now maybe. We’ve chilled with age. OG NG players were insufferable about how they beat it on the hardest difficulty and I’m like “STFU OK!” just beating it in normal was a nightmare. Everything is nearly perfectly timed to kill you.
I have to admit that I'm not educated enough on what the fandom was like back then. Though I do know that when the remasters came out with an optional easy mode no one really cared. At most they'd warn people to play on normal (which is totally fair and I agree with)
Yeah. I ended up maxing the strategic few bonfires pre-kindled by maidens and warping to adjacent bonfires so I didn’t have to farm. It was tedious, and I’m glad the function humanity served was separated into two items by DS3.
The game doesn't really push you to convert your hard humanity to soft, but if you do, it rewards you. I think this creates an interesting risk vs reward scenario, and ties into the theme of people trying to hold onto their humanity.
It’s simpler but also worse in Demon’s Souls. Dark Souls 2 handles it much better, since it’s farmable and not also a covenant item, and DS3 it works the same as 1 but still not a covenant item, and easier to obtain. Bloodborne I don’t think even has an equivalent iirc
Bloodborne doesn’t, no. You get 20 blood vials at all stages of the game, iirc, other than an obscure upgrade somewhere. But Bloodborne’s rally system also really helps survivability~ and blood vials are real cheap and easy to farm. I will say you can run out of them, which is annoying 😩
Humanity is a mechanic that appears in the SOULS games, but, while the functions Humanity served are present in ELDEN RING, Humanity itself is not, probably because it was stupid git gud bullshit
Humanity has three forms:
1) various Humanity consumable item, similar in principle to ELDEN RING's Golden Runes or DARK SOULS' own various Soul items;
2) the active Humanity counter; and
3) the character state (Human Form/Hollow).
When you use a Humanity item, which come in various numbers of Humanities (single Humanity, Twin Humanities, etc.), it adds the corresponding amount to your character's Humanity pool. You can spend from the Humanity pool to affect gameplay in certain ways, detailed below.
Unused Humanity items, being inventory items, are unaffected by death. The Humanity pool is treated the same way as Souls (i.e., ELDEN RING's Runes) carried and is therefore dropped on death; if you can make it back to them before you die, great, but if not, you lose them all.
You can use Humanities for various purposes at bonfires. From the start of the game, you can use them to Reverse Hollowing, changing your character's state from Hollowed to Human Form, which visibly makes you look human and not like a desiccated corpse, but whose other effects are more important.
The problem with the Humanity system is that it's a rare drop that pretty much everyone ends up having to spend fucking hours farming and grinding for on their first playthrough, and I say "having to" because half of your character's abilities are locked behind it.
Worth noting there's a ring in Sen's Fortress that'll increase your drop rate, and popping humanity also raises it. Or you could look up how to dupe items, if that still works in the remaster...
If you lose thousands of souls and don’t get the chance to level up, then tough shit, you’re getting invaded by someone who did level up
estus flask upgrades is initially hindering, but also exploitable to get 20 flasks way too early.
obtaining Humanity isnt that bad actually, it just requires doing the online activities... but when only humanity-active peeps can host it limits player pool.
look if you wanna excuse yourself for poorly representing something that you're mad at, I can't stop you. but that's what makes this a "typical angry gamer rant".
“Oooooohhhh the Humanity !” 😂
1) various Humanity consumable item, similar in principle to ELDEN RING's Golden Runes or DARK SOULS' own various Soul items;
2) the active Humanity counter; and
3) the character state (Human Form/Hollow).