Boredom can lead to burnout. Separate work/personal areas/tables, even in same room. Tidy project resources with aim to locate anything within minutes. Don't fight against switching projects/interests. Set a project budget (stop runaway spending) Gamification adds money to budget on project success.
Oh, I have one: that it’s actually a really good thing that I have so many (ever changing) interests. It’s afforded me the opportunity to be pretty good at a lot of random things. And the fact that my interests change just allows me space to try something new.
ADHD unfortunately does makes it a lot harder to meet certain goals and expectations. But that's okay because I will eventually get there. It'll just have to be done my own way and at my own pace.
Life as I know it is over. Now I have to work on a Plan B that isn’t going to be anywhere near as satisfying. And also, we are living through the worst of the #HistoryEverRepeats scenario at the moment.
I can just be an “achiever” and that’s okay. I don’t need to constantly be an overachiever and overcommit myself. I’m happier than I’ve been in years and also less busy. I do my job, come home, and enjoy my hobbies.
Her opinion is not the world's opinion.
I'm back!
Also that it's okay to decide you need naps rather than stay awake with negative thoughts.
Unless I've lost my phone. Cause I've handed it to hubs. So he can schedule shit for me. 1 minute ago. And he's next to me.
Then I'm just weird. 😆😅