I go through cycles like an addict that “fell off the wagon”. Like, I’ll take my meds and take care of my health and then one day I’ll skip them and somehow a year later I’m finally pulling myself back up and getting back to the dr to get back on track 😭
And when you get there you’re there on the wrong day so you beg to just be seen that day because your appointment is max 10 minutes, but they say no….so then you just sit in your car in the parking lot and cry. Hypothetically.
OR you miss your appointment and your doctor gives you a freebie and doesn’t charge because they primarily treat ADHD and understand, so you reschedule, but then you forget about that appointment too?? Hypothetically of course
Except that also your classes are randomly teleporting. (I say this, though, as someone who doesn’t need glasses — I feel like I may be taking my eyesight a bit for granted right now 😂).
First bc i needed to make an appointment, then bc no Pharmacy near me had it..., then i moved to a new state...
I forgot to make my appointment to renew my prescription.
It was weeks before I made one then weeks before the appointment rolled around.
Then I forgot what I was there for. Lucky my Dr reminded me 😬😆