Fair - my argument is that reasonable language falls on deaf ears because they did not reason themselves into this position and sounds like the language of accommodation to the rest of us.
Passion alienates, but also inspires. (Accommodation alienates too, but does not inspire.)
I think you’re absolutely right. Our challenge is figuring out which messages & frames resonate with each of the diff groups we need to reach. There’s no one size fits all. Most people are not activated by passion…we’ve had passion and “resistance” now for how long? Most ppl are turned off by it
IMHO I think the issue isn’t resistance or passion or even the fight itself, rather—people are tired of performative resistance that chases the wind like Newsom does Kirk.
I think everyone is tired of phonies and sadly phonies have co-opted the language of resistance.
100% agree. I’ve said as much elsewhere, not that I expect you to know that, but just agreeing . What would non-performative action look like to you? To me, most of what we see on social media, all the protests and town halls, that’s all performance and spectacle
Passion alienates, but also inspires. (Accommodation alienates too, but does not inspire.)
I think everyone is tired of phonies and sadly phonies have co-opted the language of resistance.