Meh....I struggled to watch. Joe constantly Spewing His Love of Reagan, Reaganomics and Trickle Down.... Dominating every Conversation. His Guests list was the Only reason to Watch.
I stopped watching them after 2016 and don't plan on ever going back. If I turn on MSNBC at all, it's at (PT) 1 pm, maybe 4, sometimes 5, always Maddow and always Lawrence
Is it selling out to say you disagree with Trump,told him you disagree with him,but that you will have an open dialog with the sitting president for the next 4 years as the #2 cable news network? Should they rather not talk with him and cover him? Wouldn't that be a disservice to reporting the truth
I can say I will never, ever watch MJ again. And I would watch it on DVR at night if I missed it during the day. We all make huge misjudgments I suppose.
I do not care what these two turn backs have to say. MSM sucks and is the main cause of this nightmare that we’re in. They only had to report facts, actual facts, and they couldn’t do that
Just watched my last show. Just heard about their trip to Maralago. Done with them. I am now only going to turn to msnbc for Rachel Maddow. and Lawrence O'Donnel
Not MSNBC. It’s Morning Joe hosts and few bigwigs in higher ups. MSNBC is still half resistance major media networks compared to all others who literally bent their knees to him
I’m physically sick. All these years they mocked asskissers who “Traveled to MaraLardo to kiss the rim.” Tried to watch their explanation/apology but couldn’t get thru it.
Listen: watching from Europe, we really don’t know how to feel. Your piece of the puzzle looks like a big beautiful weird crazy fragile thing on the very brink of precipice
Vindicated for not watching them for at least the past 8 years - I've lost count on exactly how long it's been but at least that long. CNN also. No cable news for at least that long.
Stopped watching everything on msnbc from election night onwards. Turned off them CNN and all news channels. Only watch local until the mention him and then off they go too
That is exactly what I've been doing. One exception is that I tried each morning to tune into Morning Joe, Found I could not listen to the backpeddling, and within 5 minutes, I turned them off. This morning, I didn't last 3 minutes and wanted to throw my phone at the TV. I won't try tomarrow.
They helped give us trump in 2016 and now these two clowns go and kiss the ring. I haven't watched msnbc since election day and that will be continuing a lot longer. To hell with msnbc.
To be a fly on the wall in the break room at MSNBC after this abject betrayal of journalism, their viewers and their network.
Paging - surely YOU have some choice words for your colleagues 🤬
I feel like we have to build the media of the country we want to live in, which is what we’re doing with Bluesky. We have a long road ahead, and I’m thankful you’re on it 😊
This is what republicans have dominated in, media outside cable news. Trump in 2016 said these guys couldn't be trusted, and mega media pushed all republicans away until republicans started the social media game dominance. I suspect Dems will now follow as you are saying here.
Vindicated. I remember when Joe and Meeka normalized trump. I never trusted them. I also know there has never been a liberal media bias. There is no Liberal Media. It’s a Unicorn. Always talked about, never seen it.
There hasn’t been a liberal bias to the media since Ronnie Raygunn got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. And along came the rise of right wing radio & Fox, etc.
CNN has a few shining years when Ted Turner started it, same with MSNBC when it first began with its Lean Forward tag & Maddow, O’Donnell
...honestly, I figured it was a matter of time...haven't watched them in over a decade bc they just didn't quite have the same chutzpah even back then...don't like it cat all, but isn't hitting me as anything unexpected or underhanded calculated, really.
I'm not surprised. It's remarkable what people will do for attention and perceived power. The thin skin of people who demand you believe the same and not question. But in the next breath claim, they are providing "healthy discussion" but believe they are correct.
After this election i have no reason... Zero... to watch any msnbc show including nicole and rachel. There is nothing they can say i want to hear. Its all bad
Pathetic. has lost me ever watching again. Absolutely revolting behavior. The only good thing you have over there is Rachel Maddow. Cable news is utter sensationalist garbage. You want to kiss Trump's ass? Bye.
This is truly frustrating. But please don’t quit MSNBC this easily. Most of their journalists are still doing their job. I am now watching Rachel Maddow pushing for the release of Matt Gaetz report.
I feel that we are being driven underground. Since can’t even count on the ones that are supposed to stand up for this party just slinked like snakes to the other side
So we need to build an underground army of what is the truth
Sell out? Agreeing to disagree with someone publicly while opening a line of communication with the President for the next 4 years as a mass media corporation that (#2 cable news network) is a bad thing? This is why Dems lost, don't talk to anyone, communication is bad, censorship of ideas.
Just like the poll results of the Nov 5th voters, who is, who was, and who never was an ally were revealed. The wolves are feeling emboldened to shed their sheep costumes. But they are putting their trust in the hands of a butcher who swings the axe at anything. Lying down with him is not safe.
It’s going to be interesting to hear about what guest will sit with them! Claire McCaskill? Rev. Al Sharpton? Eddie Glaude? Will Cohen show up? Just to name a few! IMO that’s where eyes should look! No I’m not interested in the excuses of bring the other side-ism narrative either. Stand with or not?
Nobody should watch MSNBC if this is what they think liberals want. They are clueless. I want people that will fight and call out MAGA not kissing their ass. 🙉🙈🙊 Is not the answer.
Have never watched them, and don’t intend to. MSNBC has made some very questionable decisions (hiring Romney McDaniel, etc.) Sticking to just Maddow, Lawrence, and sometimes Nicole for now. Waiting to see how they plan to cover Trump.
I don’t think they’re selling out.What I do think is that they know that Trump is a narcissist and who is easier to manipulate than a narcissist? Isn’t it better to have someone in his ear?Isn’t it better to have Joe and Mika there as possible advisors?I do not believe that Joe and Mika sold out.
After I left right-wing bs in 2016 I've gotten most news on computer or phone
I needed time, not deténte.
I definitely don't need to witness advanced obeisance.
Reality is: they warned of an AUTOCRACY coming to the USA and now that it has, they are going to get on the 'right side'
So all we needed to do is "reopen communications" with the Nazis and they would have totally not opened camps or invaded their neighbors!
Some historian needs to write a book "we should have talked with the Nazis" forward by Nevil Chamberlin.
Paging - surely YOU have some choice words for your colleagues 🤬
There hasn’t been a liberal bias to the media since Ronnie Raygunn got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. And along came the rise of right wing radio & Fox, etc.
CNN has a few shining years when Ted Turner started it, same with MSNBC when it first began with its Lean Forward tag & Maddow, O’Donnell
make me sick.
So we need to build an underground army of what is the truth
I am ready to laugh in their faces when he comes after them anyway.
i must say j&m have done an OUTSTANDING job of scrubbing the internet of images them with syphy
these three are all i could find from the literal days he spent on their program
I haven't trusted them since they went to his inauguration