In the coming years, things are going to get particularly bad for autistics, given RFK's autism demonization. This means it's going to be open season on autistics in school yards (more than usual), and a lot more ableism in general. Here is a thread of some ways to meaningfully support autistics.
-Don't light it up blue, use puzzle pieces, or do any Autism Speaks nonsense. They are awful.
-Fight for our inclusion and accommodation in the workplace. Hire us and empower our accommodation.
-Educate yourself on the medical vs social models of disability.
-Fight bigotry in general. There's a lot of intersection in autism. Create safe spaces and defend them.
-Fight against tragedy or inspiration narratives. Autistics are neither.
-Don't use the R word. We've often heard it used to describe us by bullies.
-Try to uplift autistics when they are attempting socialization.
-Do not advocate for curing autism.
-Do not support ABA. It's autistic conversion therapy, and largely ineffective as per recent research.
-Be a champion for autistic social traits- Don't push eye contact, don't be weird about stimming, and teach how to infodump kindly. Model setting boundaries and compromise, not masking.
-Fight for a better sensory world, and internet. Adblock is accessibility.