Incredible stuff from the NACC. New disclosure reveals it hasn’t initiated a single successful corruption investigation yet.
…if you don’t, we won’t
They are the Sgt. Schultz of commissions.
They should just merge the two departments, AUKUS & NACC, continue to provide absolutely no results and save us all $140 million pa in NACC operating costs.
And it could hide the AUKUS waste, corruption and stupidity for the ALP government all in one place.
Says a lot about the people who set it up.
The NACC is working as planned. More shield than sword.
This just shows that even though we need experience in Politics we need fixed terms and a bunch of independents who don’t have the Kompramat hanging over them that the lifers have, and is used to control them.
Interesting if Dutton gets in. Will he defund it, or see it as a cost of doing (dodgy) business??
The future of those responsible ? Brereton ? Dreyfuss?
4pm ?
On the surface of it: no.
$140m spent, 200 staff, 0 results.
No wonder Labor and Coalition colluded to ensure the NACC wouldn’t have public hearings. Farcical.
I’m not saying this is right either however it explains how cosy the duopoly really are with each other.
What a waste of money!
A broken election promise and a complete waste of money.