This seems very newsworthy. It would be great if it was on the news as one of those feelgood stories at the end: a palate cleanser after all the misery and suffering. The idea of anyone else shitting themselves is NOT, I repeat NOT a palate cleanser. The Man-Baby in the White Castle tho'? Fuckin' A!
We need this plastered everywhere. Not the contents of the depends.. the firsthand testimonies. 😆 Having a medical issue with bowels is not something to make fun of, but the being lost in a drug filled haze is certainly a disqualifier of the highest nation in the land, in my opinion.
Trump, A gift from God to you. Get you a full length mirror, stand in front of it, turn your body around, bend over and put your head between your legs and God will give you the gift to see yourself as others see you.
More anecdotes like this, please...and remember to share at every opportunity.