Perfect 6 pāramitā - dana; sila; ksanti; virya; dhyana/samadhi; prajna ...
essential for understanding & overcoming the concept of a permanent, independent self (ātman).
that way ...
Ego is not a dirty word - it VERBS in meat world!
#Skyhooks🌈 #Pilsky #philSci #Psych
Holy crap, Pete! How many pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, plastic & # preservatives are in that thing & what is it, if in fact it has a natural form of some kind? Is it a relative of this?
Inside Vasubandhu's Yogacara by Ben Connelly
Making Sense of Mind Only by William S. Waldron
Who Is My Self? by Ayya Khema
The Ego Tunnel by Thomas Metzinger
Awareness Games by Brian Tom O'Connor
I think you’d like this series of 8 essays, on the project of getting from neuroscience algorithms to introspective self-reports. (Very illusionism-adjacent! See §1.6.) “Self” comes up in almost every post, including exotic manifestations like trance & dissociation.
Samuel Beckett - Company
Elizabeth Bishop - "In the Waiting Room"
Sue Hamilton - Early Buddhism: The "I" of the Beholder
Mark Johnston - Surviving Death (particularly Chapter 4 - "What is found at the center?")
Douglas Harding - On Having no Head
Inventing Our Selves (Nikolas Rose)
Stigma (Erving Goffman)
Black Skin, White Masks (Frantz Fanon)
The Discovery of Being (Rollo May)
The Politics of Experience (RD Laing)
I recently moved and haven't unpacked my copies of periodical articles. But it was a lecture Jaynes gave about his definitions of consciousness and he talks clearly about the Self. Q&A were transcribed.
Yijing, Tarot, and similar ones. As a reliable method to cause one's own psychological projections and reactivity to social and biological archetypal situations and subsequently observing their conditioned origins. (Why read about something when you can observe it firsthand?)
essential for understanding & overcoming the concept of a permanent, independent self (ātman).
that way ...
Ego is not a dirty word - it VERBS in meat world!
#Skyhooks🌈 #Pilsky #philSci #Psych
Making Sense of Mind Only by William S. Waldron
Who Is My Self? by Ayya Khema
The Ego Tunnel by Thomas Metzinger
Awareness Games by Brian Tom O'Connor
Elizabeth Bishop - "In the Waiting Room"
Sue Hamilton - Early Buddhism: The "I" of the Beholder
Mark Johnston - Surviving Death (particularly Chapter 4 - "What is found at the center?")
Douglas Harding - On Having no Head
I actually saw this as a talk by Sociologist of Technology Trevor Pinch, seemed suggestive:
Stigma (Erving Goffman)
Black Skin, White Masks (Frantz Fanon)
The Discovery of Being (Rollo May)
The Politics of Experience (RD Laing)