You could draw it out. By having people leave one row at a time, every 5 minutes. So he would get back on his prepared remarks, maybe, and then have another freakout.
Or all at once, that's good too.
Visibly denying Trump the attention and deference he craves is the best move.,, what do you think? A dignified, quiet display of disapproval, stealing attention from the president's event?
Better than booing or shouting or turning backs.
Dems can explain the walkout to media the next day, pushing the message.
I guess you could find some sympathetic reporters, and let them know there would be a press conference during the address. You can, but there won't be any live coverage, right? That's focused on the inside?
During might not get much coverage but I bet immediately after would. The talking heads are just filling time with "analysis" at that point until the response starts.
Just find someone who doesn’t care at all about your concerns— who will either patronize or gaslight you— and discuss it with them. Then you’ll know EXACTLY what calling my R congresspeople
feels like. 👎🏼
lol. It does make one’s head nearly explode. That’s for sure. (I’m keeping all the stupid letters I get back from them. Not exactly sure why. But I hope to have reason to have a burning ceremony one day)
A mass walkout can be dismissed with, “Well, they weren’t going to listen to me anyway.” What the caucus should do is, whenever something ridiculous is spoken, breakout in laughter. THAT will get under the narcissist’s skin.
I'd raise you one: They should shout down Trump as a liar and traitor. Call him a Russian plant and coward. Get him to storm off and literally drive him out of the chamber or get some good footage of security trying to manhandle D reps and senators.
Democrats MUST walk out of the State of the Union. I think they should time it in groups of 10 at a time every few minutes to disrupt the entire speech.
The problem with that is that I can imagine Republicans doing literally the same thing (and later being coy, "you paranoid liberals are hearing things")
I want them to host their own thing where they do a roll call for each state (like at the convention) and a rep from each state makes a case for how the last 6 weeks have harmed them.
trump: before I start my speech which will be the greatest state of the union speech, the best in history, democrat house minority hakeem j- pardon me, minority leader hakeem jeffers had a few words he wanted to say right
hakeem: yes. sir mr, sir president. mr trump. sir. uh, yes. thank y- you yes. thank you sir. uh. sir trump. so uh. well, yes. it's uh, it's been quite a uh. er. a tumult- a un. a rough time for a lot. of uh. americans. america, uh. of late, an-
Hey I think this is exactly the kind of political theatrics that would be right up your alley. You can even walk out and start talking to the press about the devastating effects this administration is having on ordinary people. you and Senator Welch should participate in this too. The rest of the country is already proud of Vermont for the protests against Vance this weekend; a unified front of Vermont politicians spoiling the SOTU would keep us setting a good example of standing up to Trump.
Challenged my crew in New York. I'm not holding my breath for Chuck or Kirsten, but my representative is solid, she might do it (if she even shows up).
Frontline narrator: They did not sign on, did not start cooking. They handed the country over to their new king the way a friendly neighbor passes out Halloween candy.
So far I’ve been pretty happy with how MA reps have been responding. Warren especially.
Or all at once, that's good too.
Visibly denying Trump the attention and deference he craves is the best move.
Better than booing or shouting or turning backs.
Dems can explain the walkout to media the next day, pushing the message.
Many of them don't monitor social media.
feels like. 👎🏼
Though you have massively more followers than I, so your repost has more effect.
Crank it.
He wont lead. Not sure if its because he can't or is unwilling to do so.
They gotta go.
hakeem: ah, uh, yes. thank you, th, donald. mr president. yes. th, trump. uh
hakeem: yes. sir mr, sir president. mr trump. sir. uh, yes. thank y- you yes. thank you sir. uh. sir trump. so uh. well, yes. it's uh, it's been quite a uh. er. a tumult- a un. a rough time for a lot. of uh. americans. america, uh. of late, an-
trump: house minority hakeem everybody
I think they should sing a song on their way as well. The media would go wild and so would the public.
But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel will turn
We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn
That the union makes us strong.
Solidarity forever!”