--Turn your back as he enters. No handshakes/selfies.
--Do not applaud anything he says.
--Remain seated at the end. No standing ovation.
--Rise as a group, pull out small Ukrainian flags, exit as a block singing Do You Hear the People Sing.
1- Chant UKR... UKR...
2- Chant Med-i-care...Med-i-care...
3 - Chant Putin...Republican... Putin...Republican
4- dead silence ( apart from chants... no random cat calls)
5- Chant No Musk - No Musk...
6- gather ALL D's, I's after for solidarity group statement
It depends on whether the Dems can be counted on to loudly protest the authoritarian brags, promises, and threats coming from the podium.
If not, I would stay home. Whatever you do, do not announce ahead of time, as this gives speechwriters a chance to massage the script to put Ds in worst light.
Dems can either adopt the policies of Bernie Sanders or expect to either lose EVERYTHING right away or have it slowly chipped away by Corpracrats. It's not rocket science people.
I respectfully disagree. People not showing up is how we got into this mess. My suggestion was to show up dressed in black with an upside down flag on their arm. Stay silent do not applaud or stand. And stomp their feet in unison through the whole speech. We must make a statement!
Find the biggest hall or auditorium in your district.
Put up a giant screen.
Start your meeting an hour before the speech.
Lay out ALL of the actions Trump/Musk have done in last month.
Hand out BINGO cards with Trump favorites on it.
Have people commit to action IF what they see angers them.
Well, best thing we can do is hammer our dem reps with emails and phone calls. Make them see it is what they need to do. This time calls for intense action. Not acting like everything is normal and great as can be.
Do not attend that bullshit fest!! Hold a press conference with social media hosts!! No more business as usual! This is not normal!! Shout to the rooftops what they are doing! And FFS start naming names!! Stop covering for those Traitor Basterds!
‼️‼️‼️Skip it!!!!! Do town halls or ONE BIG PRESS CONFERENCE exposing the tangerine tyrant’s lies and what’s truly happening in the White House! Tell us what you’re going to do to stop the dismantling of our democracy and protect our country from this traitorous felon!!!!!! ‼️‼️‼️
No, show up. Sneer. Turn away when he comes down the aisle. No applause no matter what he says. Give him the full mean girl. Stare at him - dead eye. Black armbands. Total silence. He'll cry and run away. It will play great on TV. Don't give up the audience of a lifetime.
@aoc.bsky.social get up and walk out when it starts speaking and then go impeach his traitorous ass. Our troops are out there amassing enemies and losing allies.
Jail for Trump the Traitor
--Do not applaud anything he says.
--Remain seated at the end. No standing ovation.
--Rise as a group, pull out small Ukrainian flags, exit as a block singing Do You Hear the People Sing.
One option: Have signs which say LIE, and a running counter.
Second option: First Lie, stand up and QUIETLY walk out.
2- Chant Med-i-care...Med-i-care...
3 - Chant Putin...Republican... Putin...Republican
4- dead silence ( apart from chants... no random cat calls)
5- Chant No Musk - No Musk...
6- gather ALL D's, I's after for solidarity group statement
If not, I would stay home. Whatever you do, do not announce ahead of time, as this gives speechwriters a chance to massage the script to put Ds in worst light.
Why would you let them have their fascist fest in peace?
More silence from Democrats...not the answer
Stand up as one voice.
Even Republicans have stood up for Zelenskyy.
We have a window.
Put up a giant screen.
Start your meeting an hour before the speech.
Lay out ALL of the actions Trump/Musk have done in last month.
Hand out BINGO cards with Trump favorites on it.
Have people commit to action IF what they see angers them.
And let’s see….. the thing he loves the most is good ratings…
Don’t watch!!!
That is the way to do it
Stand up and face the back wall
Walk out en masse
Hold SOTU outside with AP and HuffPo
Jail for Trump the Traitor
Dems need to drop the gloves!