Friendly reminder: if you are waiting on something from a US-based scientist/reviewer/editor, please realize that we're barely making it through each day putting out non-stop fires and trying not to collapse into tears. We're trying our best, but things will take longer right now. Give grace.
trump is breaking America.
Stay strong. There are many Cdns who support the anti-Trumpers.
thank you Ms Elinne 🤗🫂
Please hang in there. We see you and we do care.
Sending hugs to you all!
Hang tough! We support your work!
Please let us know if you think of any way we can send appreciation and support to folks like yourself.
I get a small boost from kudos, so I’d love to find ways to send such to our hardworking and stressed out federal employees.
Thank you for still being here when we need you the most.
Most of us are grateful
I get the ,news" from these sources
It's my Godsend
I hope the American people have the bravery to take to the streets and defend truth and science.
I fought for my country, and it wasn't so we could do this.
I'm sorry.
Integrity Shines In Darkness.
We see your light.
We have empowered each and every by dissecting the lies of history and interpreting them through a lense of proven revealed truth.
Part of that story is a perfect court-ready proof of the high crimes against you.
As we have done so from low position, must be lifted up.
Internet hugs if it helps. You deserve better.
"Give grace" is good advice every day.
We are with you in spirit and hope!
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans in Congress—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Tumultuously to arms my fellow Americans.