It's not that he's dumb, it's that he's stupid. His ideology says that all truth is descended from God and interpreted by preachers. Therefore it's not possible for truth to come any other way. Therfore, it's all lies. They live in an alternate reality.
Matt Walsh is a chinless bastard. Has anyone seen what he looked like before he grew his beard out? He looked like a jaw amputee. Like someone who literally had their jaw removed
I used this against my Conservative uncle. I was like, I’m glad you brought that up bc that fully and completely supports my point and utterly destroys yours. He got angry and started name calling Democrats and I said, see, now you’re resorting to name calling bc you know you can’t counter that.
Trump will say
"Y2K was the biggest liberal hoax in the history of liberal hoaxes. 2038's gonna come and they're gonna say 'oh donald, you were right, nothing happened but I spent all this money on new tech and now we're broke, please bail me out!' and I'll say no."
For real. It was a real thing then it wasn't. Though in fairness to people who just were never told and aren't dehydrated cum stains like Matt Walsh I also didn't know why this issue from my childhood "suddenly went away either" until I cam across the info probably by happenstance. It wasn't cheered
All the cons are gonna scream about how Y2K was a 'Globalist Hoax' and then the overflow date will arrive and global network infrastructure will be irreversibly fucked.
Everyone knows his holiness Donald The Great did pulleth down his trousers
And like Moses before the Red Sea
Bent over
And did parteth his buttocks
From which his wrinkled asshole
the sun 🌞 did shine ✨ forth
And hence the ozone layer was healed by his power
Praise Donald
Matt Walsh is a chinless bastard. Has anyone seen what he looked like before he grew his beard out? He looked like a jaw amputee. Like someone who literally had their jaw removed
-A Neoliberal
Trump will say
"Y2K was the biggest liberal hoax in the history of liberal hoaxes. 2038's gonna come and they're gonna say 'oh donald, you were right, nothing happened but I spent all this money on new tech and now we're broke, please bail me out!' and I'll say no."
All the cons are gonna scream about how Y2K was a 'Globalist Hoax' and then the overflow date will arrive and global network infrastructure will be irreversibly fucked.