Fuck Jill Stein and everyone who voted for her. They have actively made my life a living fucking hell by electing a convicted felon hellbent on gutting American democracy. We don't have the House, Senate, or the Supreme Court. Jill Stein wanted fascism.
Reposted from
Republicans Against Trumpism
Jill Stein’s campaign manager just admitted what anyone with half a brain knew all along—their real mission was to help elect Donald Trump.
Fu*k Jill Stein and anyone who supported her
Fu*k Jill Stein and anyone who supported her
Kamala would would not have allowed, the reigning kings of tech, or the delusional muck, and his baby minions, anywhere near our data. Let us wait, and see what the powerful Arab countries, will do the minute trump and his buddy Bebe go after Palestine.
Might be waiting a while.
Yeah. Dupes, all of them. (And the lies go to the right as well - while the left voted against Harris because she supported Israel, the right thought that Trump would be stronger.)
I honestly don't know what they're thinking now.
How can a person, with two law degrees, elected as a state attorney general and Senator, who was VP over the best economy in the world, be worse than a Felon who is pushing 80 and can’t read above a 4th grade level?
The lie Jason Call is pushing here is that he did this for the resistance. He didn't. Jill didn't. They are not helping us by aiding Trump. He doesn't even mention Trump's call for the genocidal act of forced migration.