"Storytelling" tells of status. It wants to position journalists as the bards of modern society. Linked closely to prize culture (Pulitzers) and to a self-image as excellent writers, descendants of Hemmingway who work in non-fiction.
It tries to lift news gathering to the prestige of literature.
It tries to lift news gathering to the prestige of literature.
to do research and analysis
which helps us move in a progressive direction
and share that work in any format
I don't care what that is called
All others get squashed
Wapo is dead
Bezos killed it
They can hit the button on the defibrillator all they want.
It's not coming back
Tony Manero. Storytelling.
Also amateur connotation. It's what people who can't write do.
No paywall.
The subscribers retched.
When journalists use the term storytelling, they're referring to compelling prose in service to journalism, and/or establishing a narrative through line for their work, and/or using a narrative frame focused on a singularity (person, event) to tell a larger story.
This is is from the Times report: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/16/business/media/the-washington-post-new-mission.html?unlocked_article_code=1.pk4.UEnx.MWRgITfM6ftD&smid=url-share
“Riveting Storytelling for All of America.” The statement is meant to be an internal rallying point for employees, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.
You'll never guess what happens next!
So, maybe that's what WaPo wants now: spread propaganda wide enough to get it taken for history.
So, maybe that's what WaPo wants now: spread propaganda wide enough to get it taken for history.
According to the Times report, “Riveting Storytelling for All of America” is supposed to be "an internal rallying point for employees" of the Washington Post.
Nor is anyone else pretending to be interested in it who in any way, likewise, kneels to The Donald, thereby dismissing the concerns of those of us who shall *never* forget either the Access Hollywood tapes or the conclusions of Jack Smith.
But journalists? Get the fuck out of storytelling.
What do you do? "Oh, I'm a storyteller. A journalist." No.
So, maybe that's what WaPo wants now: spread propaganda wide enough to get it taken for history.
(correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume Pulitzers for journalism are given out because of the news that was broken, not how the piece is written,
Institutions crave more freedom and less responsibility.
Just a thought.
Good journalism is beautiful. It doesn’t need to don a literature costume to be worthy.
I've never had a reporter job. This take owes equal parts to press criticism, Hollywood portrayals and working as a city hall flack. Could be way off!
“All of America” seems to forget that 20% of Americans are functionally illiterate, 22% don’t speak English at home, and over 50% read below 5th grade level
So, maybe that's what WaPo wants now: spread propaganda wide enough to get it taken for history.
So, maybe that's what WaPo wants now: spread propaganda wide enough to get it taken for history.