"Rather than hope for a return of a more trusting public we should work for a more equitably sceptical one. Do not trust us. In fact, don’t easily trust anyone. Let doubt proliferate." —Jelani Cobb, Dean of Columbia Journalism School. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/news/full-text-jelani-cobbs-2025-reuters-memorial-lecture-trust-issues-credibility-credulity-and 2/
that is all.
everything you read: first reaction is, that it is propaganda.
I suppose one way of squaring the circle is to reinterpret what Jelani Cobb is saying, to mean: don't trust us or any other newsroom at the outset, or by reputation. Make us earn it over time, and then, if and when you're satisfied, you might consider supporting us with your dollars.
This is, admittedly, going down a road that's almost the exact *opposite* of what Cobb is suggesting, though. Not helpful at the moment, I know.
I'll bet he'll say more on Monday's