People can smell BS a mile away. Building a real relationship with voters/constituents (ya know, people) requires getting rid of performing nonsense and showing up as yourself, even if it’s not perfectly polished.
🦋e are desperate to see and hear your no-nonsense, solution-driven, democracy-saving insights💙💪🏻
It's most important to make Public Safety more popular than AR15 sales at a gun show. Correct?
Yes, but nobody cares because AR15s have power, go *boom* and it's SO AMERICAN! #1 right in USA!
(Btw my first bill ever signed into law established Michigan’s red flag orders, so this one hits home)
Thus, machismo, amplitude of attitude, where morals are fungible (e.g. Trump rapists for Christ) wins and that's proper?
The "sanewashing" continues as Democrats see electoral opportunity in annexing Canada.
Folks care about constitutional order. Articles I, II, III, IV, amends. 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, & 14th.
People give a shit. Tell them.
Honesty is credibility.
Love to this happening!
We are rooting for you!
Democrat. Liberal. Social. Trans. Feminist. All bad
Keep the position and the policy, find different words.
Use their words.
Decency means equality.
Fairness means Justice.
Kindness means humanity.
Learn what matters, & then identify problems & solutions genuinely in a common voice.
It's okay to fuck up. Mistakes not malice & be ever accountable.
It's not that hard.
That is why I love you.
Go girl. Teach the boys to do the same.
Unapologetic Authentic