The answer to bad industrial agriculture isn't non-industrial agriculture.
It's better industrial agriculture. in the
It's better industrial agriculture. in the
I'll ping you when it's up.
Global population prognoses are falling with some suggesting we'll never reach 10 billion.
We already have enough food, but poor distribution and food waste means we don't optimise what we produce.
About 8% of the world's 1.4 billion hectares of cropland goes to biofuel feedstock production!
However, we don't need to double food output, that is just crazy (and outdated source!)
Already today we have 1.6bn Obese, vs 0.8 bn undernutritioned
We need to move away from "More is a must" to better
The second I calculated using estimated bison herd size of 60million prior to "The Great Slaughter" and what I remembered the USDA figure to be for cattle of 90millon head (currently 87.2million). I'm sure there are more precise calculations out there.
There will be 20% more people on the planet in 2050 so you are down to 4758 kcal/capita/day which sounds like a lot. But: 1/
Keeping proportion same, 1390 would feed animals, leaving only 2171 for humans, below the requirement. We should eat less meat but meat consumption still rising. 2/
Also, no till and reduced till are conservation practices that are employed by all types of farms.
But increasing SOM or increasing SOC does not require N as an external input to grow crops. Which is what the author states.
I had a similar impression to precision fermentation. Recently, there's been talk of artificial photosynthesis along the same lines. It's not my field, so I allowed myself to hope!
Why perennial grains haven't been developed is beyond me.