Narwhal coloration changes with age. Juveniles start out uniform bluish-black & increased white mottling appears as they get older. Most adults appear speckled while very old individuals can be almost fully white #SilverFoxes #2025MMM
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Eastern spotted skunks have short legs supported an elongated bodies & large fluffy tail. Their fur is black with interrupted bands of white striped and spots. Like many skunks these colors serve as a warning to predators of their chemical defenses (Hunter 2009). #2025MMM
Narwhal has the home habitat advantage. We find an older male swimming with its pod along the edge of sea ice in the Davis Strait. Narwhal spend winters here, until late May when the ice breaks up enough to start migrating further North. (Koski, 1994) #2025MMM
In the midwest, a lone Spotted Skunk is out hunting. Spotted skunks are rare in this area, Actual Living Scientist & colleagues showed historical skunk populations crashed following diet changes from shifting agricultural practices. (Cheeseman, 2020) #2025MMM
Suddenly #MMMagic translocates Spotted Skunk far north to the edge of an ice sheet! Immediately halting his hunt, Spotted Skunk assesses this icy environment. #2025MMM
Spotted skunk: "Looks like a Midwestern winter to me. I thought we were done with this snowy crap. When is darth going to wake up? Will that unicorn be my friend?"
#MMMlastThoughts #2025MMM
I have a question about #MMMagic when my lil friends don't have home habitat advantage and they do Scientifically Accurate Running Away do they get to go home after or are they stuck there #2025MMM
Next to the ice shelf, the Narwhal begins surfacing. His single tusk, a spiraling canine tooth almost exclusively developed in males, protrudes out of its face, extending nearly 9 feet. #2025MMM
8.06 stoatlengths! The narwhal didn't need it this time but he could make his tusk more intimidating by letting 8 stoats ride on it #StoatsAsMeasurement #2025MMM
#MMMlastThoughts #2025MMM