Genuine Yu-Gi-Oh question to anyone: how does one get into it? Every time I try I feel like I am in the deep end and can't keep up, anyone have any tips?
It's kinda hard but what I did was mainly try to find people to play with (and Master Duel to learn how to play). Once I started going to locals in my area it became much more easier because I was playing while having a chat which helped me not stress as much with the difficulty of the game
Ah, so its kind of a sink or swim kind of thing? I'll probably give Master Duel more games before I try it with my friends, thanks for the tips though much appreciated!
As another option, you could start with alternative formats that are less convoluted such as Duel Links which has been recommended or my personal favorite which is Edison Format. You won’t find any official digital support for the latter though, so you’d have to use Dueling Book or Dueling Nexus.
Honestly imo Duel Links is probably the relatively best way right now. Pick up the free Blue Eyes structure deck from a referral code (mine is 001tvztb2acv) and you have a somewhat less overwhelming format with a decently strong deck that engages with a decent amount of mechanics to learn with.
So here's the thing: In its entirety, YuGiOh is probably the most mechanically complex card game, but it can be broken down into simpler steps. Master Duel has a solo mode that teaches you 1 deck at a time for example and lets you re-play duel stages vs AI to practice as you unlock them.
Also when it comes to the Extra Deck, try focusing on 1 Extra Deck mechanic at a time. Link monsters might be best to start with as they can be used in almost all decks (even non-link ones). Most decks have a primary mechanic that they use.
Yeah sure, I will have a look into it, thanks