I don’t know how common this is but the Kamen Rider Build theme has me crying every time, none of the other theme songs had this effect.
I think it’s because the way it’s sung and the lyrics make it clear how easy it would be to be the person to make people happy.
It used to feel that easy.
I think it’s because the way it’s sung and the lyrics make it clear how easy it would be to be the person to make people happy.
It used to feel that easy.
Maybe the last great Rider show
Den-O is my favorite.
And thank you, Little Kariboh, for Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. My sons and I quote it all the time. 😄
Unrelated, but as someone who has followed you from X to here in the last maybe year or so, it's been so exciting seeing a recognizable name dive into his Rider journey. Keep up the energy and I hope life is treating you well ☺️
It will hit differently.