Sending a cocaine-addled offspring with a few flunkies on a sight-seeing trip is a world away from the 101st Airborne. Can almost hear him laughing as he typed that sentencing distraction tweet.
What a pretentious, pompous individual Trump is. His has already corrupted SCOTUS, filled his future government with hero worshiping sycophants and is talking US expansionism at the detriment of other sovereign states. This has all the hallmarks of a dictatorship. Cessation of US elections is next?
Hes got a proper world domination thing going for his next term.
Greenland, Panama Canal, and melon suggesting Britain.
Slippery slop Don, slippery slope!
This is to distract from Putin’s land grab.
Siri, take me to Greenland
Dangerously so.
Did they participate in WW"?
Invade Indo-China?
Over throw democratic Govts?
Smuggle arms to Bicaragua?
& they chose this clown to represent them?
Beyond imbecilic
Greenland, Panama Canal, and melon suggesting Britain.
Slippery slop Don, slippery slope!