Interesting. This could go in a number of directions. Putin backs down. Europe stabilizes. Putin fires a limited nuke a Poland. And we have a European war.
This most cruel Ruzzian bitch was caught in Kursk region say reporters from Times of Ukraine. From beginning of invasion, she posted horrible footage on torturing Ukr prisoners. there is a video of her capture apparently - please share if you have it
My my. I wonder where all of the pro-putin demonstrators are?
I hope Georgians grab those Kremlin lackeys and give them trials involving windows and stairs.
Belarusians also held large demonstrations to protest the pro-Russian Lukashenko's re-election for a sixth term, but most of the protesters ended up arrested and thrown in jail. Unfortunately, I'm not too optimistic about Georgia.
I hope Georgians grab those Kremlin lackeys and give them trials involving windows and stairs.