I made a joke yesterday about taking test and getting absolutely jacked as a cis male to support trans rights.
But seriously, this SHOULD be legal with universal medical access.
Hormal treatments are a vital part of body autonomy. You're working to make everyone's life better in advocacy.
But seriously, this SHOULD be legal with universal medical access.
Hormal treatments are a vital part of body autonomy. You're working to make everyone's life better in advocacy.
“cis man” contains a lot more variety and genders than patriarchy wants to admit.
meanwhile, i would very happily get knocked up by either of my examples.
The two people then high five over the fuckee, thereby cresting the illusion of the Eiffel Tower through the magic of interpretive sex.
And yeah, although I'm sure it's been a fashionable gender in the past...
Like, I don't compete in amateur level MMA/kickboxing any longer. But I did still compete in BJJ. The fact is, I'm at a disadvantage natural.
Even local guys are on gear. They can train longer and 1/
I simply can't do that. And I'm in good shape, but sure, I'd like to be more jacked.
But my phd is in math, and I have to stay clean in case I need a clearance, because other than finance one of the few employers of mathematicians is government research. 2/
That's just me bitching, and my problems are minor. Sorry for the rant. 3/3.
Doing so will help a lot of really awesome people and raises everyone's quality of life.
Well, except for the hate-chuds. Fuck them anyway.