I've been a supporter of UBI. I'm not quite sure how UBE could/would work.
I have specific questions for UBI and for UBE.
Who on Bluesky can I contact for either?
Without going in-depth, why not UBI for everyone and UBE on top of that for those who can work?
UBI is the floor. It's a missing floor and it's affordable. Jobs can never be universal. By guaranteeing jobs, it causes many issues. Can they be fired? What kinds of jobs? How do they compete with private sector jobs? Jobs programs are fine. Get something specific done is fine and good.
I tagged (with #UBI and #UBE) with specific questions. I would like to send those questions to someone specific with a deeper knowledge of them.
Who specifically can I ask?
I'm a UBI person, and I've written on the guaranteed job before. So I can answer questions.
UBE is a new term for stuff that's been call Employer of Last Resort or Federal Job Guarantee. I know ELR/FJG people, but those two UBE people in the debate were knew to me.
I have specific questions for UBI and for UBE.
Who on Bluesky can I contact for either?
Without going in-depth, why not UBI for everyone and UBE on top of that for those who can work?
Who specifically can I ask?
UBE is a new term for stuff that's been call Employer of Last Resort or Federal Job Guarantee. I know ELR/FJG people, but those two UBE people in the debate were knew to me.