In the last 3 months I’ve been blocked for being a communist and for being anti-communist. I also got blocked for being ‘anti vegan” because I said it’s wrong that some vegans have suggested it’s ok to kill meat eaters.
This is the politically active in a nutshell. The way you do it is by sweeping the field and saying this stuff probably is not important compared to countering a far right revolution.
I think the fact we're here is the proof of us being really serious about fascism.
The ones on the right that don't know the words that they throw around. Words like socialist, communist, fascist... and they have no intellectual curiosity to pull up the online dictionary... Might be woke 🙄😂
I've seen more than a few accusations that the party that's been fighting against the fascism is, itself, fascist, or failing to prevent the rise of fascism.
People are going to be pissed that the Dems are actively trying to cooperate with the guys who are doing objectively illegal and unethical stuff. That is what you are seeing.
About the only times Democrats have cooperated with Republicans in the past 10 years is on issues protecting or helping Americans. Few and far between, but they're in there. Suggesting they shouldn't is just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Pay closer attention to congressional voting records. Dems often side with GOPedoes in the interest of MIC, corporatism, anti-immigration, and other things that harm Americans.
Sure, if you assume a vote for a bipartisan bill proves intent to support the GOP's shit and not Democrats' more left-wing interests. Rarely are there clean bills of any consequence to use to ascertain intent in a vacuum.
AI Summary: pro-reply-guy content criticizing anonymity and banality. Reply guys are urged to respond to posts about fascism with their names and something substantive.
The one yelling that we should all be shooting didn't like my thought that perhaps that should be a last resort. His entire profile was sniper rifle stuff.
No, that's not warranted yet. Not yet. That doesn't mean I'm not considering the possibility seriously.
You’re the one who actively used the word morons. It does not matter though. Apologies if I did not understand the intent of the statements. If you wish to actively organize, I will follow you, and we shall see.
There is clearly good intent in my previous statement. The people who punch left acting holier than thou missing the chance to make a difference with someone who may not be as studied up on all the nonsense and history involved. Rather choose to be pompous and all knowing. Self defeating=moronic
I think I blocked that exact same loser earlier today. Looked at their account- it was almost literally just them trying to start arguments about the definition of fascism to people who are literally speaking out against it. Honestly- intentional or not, they're helping the fascists. Stay together.
My wore out Doc Martin steel toes are Gen X..
..and I worked long and hard to buy
Send them here..I like chewing on fresh jerky.
..that's jus my game..I ain't nice.
The ones on the right that don't know the words that they throw around. Words like socialist, communist, fascist... and they have no intellectual curiosity to pull up the online dictionary... Might be woke 🙄😂
Real serious people have that taking fascism seriously side hustle. Grindset.
So who the fuck knows anymore.
No, that's not warranted yet. Not yet. That doesn't mean I'm not considering the possibility seriously.
..and I worked long and hard to buy
Send them here..I like chewing on fresh jerky.
..that's jus my game..I ain't nice.