Me: BATMAN BEGINS is great, but I was amused by the writers’-fiat plot device that a place can be SO corrupt that some reasonably-organized foreign actor can just puppeteer it on a whim.
Me, 20 years later: fuck
Me, 20 years later: fuck
The cold, calculated, capitalist predator who manipulates through a media empire.
I failed to find the scene where he calls Britain a nation of herbivores while peeing in Sherlock's living room. But here's an intro
If we won't read our history books, won't we read our comics?
I was wondering about that for a book plot: how could ants become giants without being stopped first?
Answer: have conspirationists deny reality and offer lower resistance.
Feels all too familiar, and foreboding.
On a sidenote, why does the iPhone talk to text always screw up any words higher than a fifth grade vocabulary??
Will your phone dictate the word for boating (foreboding) 😂 😡
Now it's like watching children play "cops and robbers."
Gotham is run top down by people like Eric Adams. Would unlimited funding being dumped on that system even remotely help things?
1984, Fahrenheit 451, The Handmaid's Tale, Animal Farm...
I'm expecting it won't be long before we find ourselves in Logan's Run, The Running Man, Hunger Games and Total Recall.
That's looking pretty shaky now, as Trump amd his undetlings ignore it all.
Me again: Ohhh
(even MAGA would be instantly suspicious with _that_! 😉)
He's more like Penny Plunderer.
People 20 years later: oh those film nerds I told were reading into shit were right
"There's no way a real supervillian could exist...."
Project 2025 is the will of the minions.
Brittain, may we please borrow some of them? Please?
Me now: Fuck!
I was thinking about something similar the other day. Elon Musk is rich enough & demented enough to be considered a 'super villian' at this point, and, like Dr. Evil, he already has a Mini Me.
And where is the Batman!
Me, 20 years later: Mother fu...
Me, 20 years later: Muskerfu...
I'm not joking.
I mean this.
If you have the training and money and a gravely voice, we need you. Even a national security person who's had enough. What a perfect cover.
Help us. The next good leader will pardon and thank you. Okay. I'm done.
Now I am in disbelief we are repeating THAT HISTORY.
(just smiling for the cameras)
It's life imitating Art or Art imitating life either or we're screwed!!
But those are ALWAYS the best ones 🙏🏽🙏🏽
A corrupt right wing media could never compromise world security, right?
Just like Mein Kampf is Trump's playbook...