It would be nice. But the Democrats haven't stepped forward with a strong leader. They barely seem to be able to cohesively do anything. They're all acting like Chicken Little running around trying to protect their heads from the falling sky. In a time like this we need a strong leader!
What I don't get is why nobody is calling for a military coup to oust this fascist bunch. The courts are not the solution considering these guys do not respect the courts judgements. They need to take control, set up your own version of Nuremberg, emprison all the fascists and call for new elections
I live in a military town and was a civilian employee of the Navy over 15 years.
The US military is not going to rise up against the POTUS and I wish people would stop thinking that’s a viable option. There are far too troops who take their oath to this country seriously and I’m grateful for that.
My point actually.... they take their oath to the country and it's constitution, not to the president - and should defend against enemies foreign and domestic
You’re absolutely correct about the oath but they’re still not going to turn on the Commander in Chief unless and until Trump does something I don’t even want to consider. There’s no doubt he’s a Russian asset but that’s not a reason (yet).
"I would be shocked and astounded if anyone did anything about any of this . I'm STILL waiting for someone to do something about Kent State and that happened May, 4th, 1970."
We can't wait for 2 years to hopefully flip the House. We can't think that the elections aren't tampered with beforehand. Look at Nevada, there's issues there. FOTUS admitted that fElon Musky helped in Penn, by knowing those computers better than anyone. That means all 7 flipped states need examined
2 Santa Claus theory. has been speaking of this for decades and it amazes me how many times I have to send the link to people at work who say they understand politics
Some thought Europe could never rebuild after 2 World Wars but there are very few scars left BECAUSE WE DID
We could all see how upset Trump was to be the first president to be impeached twice. Can we try that too? Get some publicity for the idea, make him squirem, even if a re-pubic-bone Congress won't actually try. Indeed, where are all the celebrities, like D. Cheney and all the living ex-presidents and fired generals, who all warned us with fluffy statements and publicly voted for KH? Enjoying their government funded retirement (podcasts or painting) or regrouping? It’s time …
During Trump’s Tuesday address one Democrat should get up and walk out each time he tells a lie. By the end there will be no more democrats in the room. Then they can address reporters outside
No shit! That was the plan as even an idiot realizes demolition is easier than building or repairing the system. I'll be dead before the recovery is complete. Fuck Trump and every cunt that voted for him!
Well good because the old shit wasn’t working anyway. Time to try something new and PROVEN to work and that other countries already do. This time, get out of the fucking way CENTRISTS.
Kind of like saying even if we remove this adopted child from an abuse household, it’ll take years of therapy to start their healing process. No shit. That’s why you remove them as fast as possible.
Tech billionaires like Thiel and Elon Musk are pro-kleptocrat oligarchs.
This is what we are witnessing—the firing of the federal workforce and the deconstruction of the administrative state. Expect disregard for court orders soon because they are coming.
It's like people who are actively moving us closer to heat death. To steal a phrase from cosmology. Entropy may win in the end but we don't have to help it
We're only a little over a month into this sh*t show. Even without a market crash or another war, the damage done or in-process may take a generation to repair.
Nothing is irreparable, but they're leaving a lot of hateful garbage behind.
However, Jesus was crucified by a Roman empire that adopted Christianity as the state religion in three centuries. Hope and faith can see us thru this Trumpean mess and to victory. Let's resist and TRY.
Harry sounds like a defeated man, May be he should find a new line of work , since 4th estate work clearly defeated him , What say you
I can't post some of the truly crazy, but bold and probably illegal 💩 I've brainstormed as suddenly justifiable if I get an opportunity or partner to join forces with....
I think the biggest threat is the Putin-led BRICS alliance. This rapidly growing economic—maybe military—alliance has a stated goal of displacing the US dollar as World’s Reserve Currency. I suspect the technocrats are positioning themselves to profit from a new BRICS cryptocurrency.
"The mess would take too long to clean up therefore we should continue letting it get messy" is some straight up 13 year old doesn't want to do chores energy know....we're talking about the infrastructure of our fucking society
I think he was suggesting that there’s been a huge amount of damage done in a short period of time, that because a lot of trust & goodwill has been damaged, it’s going to take a long time to sort it - not that we shouldn’t or it isn’t urgent.
Plus we’ve no idea where the $$$ has gone or who has data
The US military is not going to rise up against the POTUS and I wish people would stop thinking that’s a viable option. There are far too troops who take their oath to this country seriously and I’m grateful for that.
Izzie Zenning.
This idea that it's to much work, and we should just roll over, is offensive.
Some thought Europe could never rebuild after 2 World Wars but there are very few scars left BECAUSE WE DID
Silence = Complicity
At the destructive rate they are going, the permanent end of the country will come quicker than any of us realize.
This is what we are witnessing—the firing of the federal workforce and the deconstruction of the administrative state. Expect disregard for court orders soon because they are coming.
Granma, why do you have such big teeth?
No country enter into a trade agreement with us - we may simply walk away.
No country take the chance of sharing intelligence with us lest they see it on X next day.
China seems much more dependable partner.
However, Jesus was crucified by a Roman empire that adopted Christianity as the state religion in three centuries. Hope and faith can see us thru this Trumpean mess and to victory. Let's resist and TRY.
We are building something that will work better and last longer. We are going to billionaire-proof this country.
TODAY, Harry.
Plus we’ve no idea where the $$$ has gone or who has data