Al Green '28
Do what he did or get out, Democrats.
America has been attacked by Dictator Trump
Do what he did or get out, Democrats.
America has been attacked by Dictator Trump
The Dems looked docile and weak, silently sitting there with their cute little protest paddles, getting mocked by Mango Mussolini.
All of them should have shouted him down when he lied to get escorted out under protest.
We expected more. #disappointed
Churchill would be thrashing them with his walking stick.
There should have been a demonstrable showing of god damned OPPOSITION.
Democrats/Government Offices/Military have got to say “NO, it is illegal, we will not obey this Administration’s illegal requests.
Send termination letters to Republicans who took an oath to protect our country, stop salaries.
Call in the National Guard!
Thank you Mr Greene!
Donating to Green today.
Why TAF are these fascist pigs still above ground, upright with a pulse? C'mon, Luigi!!
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
"By whatever means are necessary."
"Terminate their mission - with extreme prejudice."
I bet some of them have even seen the appropriation for the Zyclon-B. Probably spent hours practicing their "concerned face" for their two minutes with Wolf Blitzer.
At least we'll never have a better proof that Dems are a purely performative opposition
Disobedience. Fuck the GOP