A local ‘pain in the arse’ Farage fan told me an almost identical version of this Reform pump at the weekend. Similar narratives were doing the rounds 20-30 years ago. I find it impossible to believe anything that comes from that direction…🥱🥱🥱
Hmm, may be something in that! 🤔
I came to England in a boat* about 67 years ago, fractured my skull and got straight into A&E at St Mary’s and got treated by the Queens surgeon**!
*The Oronsay. An ocean liner. From Aden, a colony.
** Sir Arthur Porritt. He was on duty that afternoon.
I've had two emails within the last 3 months (overlooked the 1st) from my hometown's hospital inviting me to have an 0ver-60s health check-up. I didn't even request one. Supporters of Private Healthcare really love to attack the NHS.
I’m sitting here trying to work out what sort of mouth and throat problem would necessitate a hospital appointment - the only things I can think of would be considered an urgent case and certainly not an 18 month wait …
Sorted 🤣
Or perhaps she read it in a headline?
I came to England in a boat* about 67 years ago, fractured my skull and got straight into A&E at St Mary’s and got treated by the Queens surgeon**!
*The Oronsay. An ocean liner. From Aden, a colony.
** Sir Arthur Porritt. He was on duty that afternoon.
Then Covid happened.
Literally saw her self-radicalise in real time over the course of the pandemic. It really is a case study for any social scientist.