To all the he-motinal men crashing out in this comment section:
You being more offended than concerned means you're part of the problem. Because you're putting your ego, your feelings, and your reputation above women's safety.
This is what happens when acronyms are abused/incorrectly maligned. Anti fascism means you are a patriotic citizen of the USA. You are against an authoritarian government in the United States of America. Wake the fuck up!!!🌅🦅❤️🔥🌟🦁✝️🗽🩵🧲
This is why I have anxiety around women in public. Like I have to try exceptionally hard to come across as non aggressive, even as a doctor I still feel like the world looks at me like a predator. It becomes very socially isolating. I know it’s a irrational fear but this messaging validates it
It's usually safe to follow the classic "Just don't act around a woman as you wouldn't want a man acting near you in prison".
I have ptsd from what a man did to me as a teenager, but a lot of men do not feel threatening to me. It's not "he's a man" that makes s.o. appear threatening, it's behavior.
im sorry you feel that way about this, in all honesty the main thing is to just be nice, as long as you have no intention to hurt women you will likely not come across as aggressive
Sanest "moderate". The progressives are not "obsessed" with race you absolute buffoon. Fighting to stop the fascists and "moderates" that always make up excuses to side with fascists, from fucking attacking marginalised groups is not an obsession. You're a fascist collaborator, grow the fuck up.
I think about this a lot. I think about how ALL women feel like they are prey. I think about how I track my 22yo daughter. How I worry for her safety constantly and especially bc she works at a truck stop gas station. We live in fear EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!
Self defense training should be a requirement for all women from first grade through college. Also subsidized gun ownership and firearms training. Use that 2nd Amendment loophole to your advantage!
literally. Seeing how boys & girls grow up and you can really see the difference of how their minds. Proper parenting really plays a big role in raising decent people.
depends tbh, in person i probably would not be able to stand up to violent misogynistic men like i do on the internet due to fear of being killed or raped
You being more offended than concerned means you're part of the problem. Because you're putting your ego, your feelings, and your reputation above women's safety.
I have ptsd from what a man did to me as a teenager, but a lot of men do not feel threatening to me. It's not "he's a man" that makes s.o. appear threatening, it's behavior.
Woman shall inherit and save the Earth.
Men will forever destroy it.
Many, if not most, men are NOT OK.
Partners of men will know what I am talking about. Men are soooo often emotionally constipated.
Abuse. Themselves and others.
No, there is a whole subset of men that really need HELP (aka maybe institutionalized? They are def dangerous)
I just quoted this to a friend yesterday!
One side is afraid of mostly hypothetical, slight inconveniences. The other is afraid to be forced to hide or die.
But they still don't understand why we're so passionate about our fight.
Because I laughed at him!