I like the series but the story being all over the place is so bad, plus the first game is honestly a slog to get through and it has the most boring worlds in the franchise. I get it's the first game and they didn't think it would grow so much but oof.
Yeaaaaaaaah I'll confess the gameplay is nice, but the story is as coherent as a self-insert fanfiction with no punctuation. And frankly it DOES feel like Disney was the self-insert into an otherwise mainline Final Fantasy title
I will say there's a slew of excellent mods to play with the original Half-Life, if you don't want to play Half-Life I say at least check out the mods.
OG Half Life is a hard to swallow pill. Black Mesa is the way to play the original and only after beating It I would recommend the original. HL2 is the goat by the way.
I'll give HL1 a pass, because it really did progress narrative-driven FPSs, but HL2 is a boring, crappy physics-driven slog that is only remembered for it's tech, and not because it was actually fun.
Doom 3 is fantastic and didnt deserve the hate it got, it still is divisive and like really? I like it, I like how it's horror instead of blood pumping demon slaying. Not that I hate the latter but Doom 3 spooked me a lot, it's even scarier playing the VR version.
Completely disagree. I think it's the exact opposite, HL2 was everything doom 3 wanted to be. I honestly despise doom 3, one of the worst experiences I ever had with a game. It was so boring and unfun, and the horror was terrible. The flashlight being a separate weapon was just annoying as well.
I really don't get the appeal of Half-Life 2, yes there are some fun parts but most of it is just a bit dull. There's a lot of fantastic mods for both games and ironically I find most of them better than the original games.
I played through it once and while I know it is a very important game and it was amazing for it's time...I'd rather just play Black Mesa. There are a lot of games I didn't grow up with and Half-Life is one of them. I appreciate it for what it is but I can't enjoy the original a second time around.
It hasn't aged well, heh. As others have said, Black Mesa is the best way to experience it and even then it still feels a bit archaic by design. I do think it was important for the FPS genre, and walked so that games after it could run.
Now my hot take...Half Life 2? Overrated. Glorified tech demo.
I played Half Live exactly once. Wonderfully horrifying! Incredibly tense! Great variety of weapons and enemies! It's also Very Old and you probably couldn't pay me to play it again.
Case in point, MY controversial game opinion;
Kingdom Hearts f@#$%# sucks
I can't fully hate doing what has to be done by me and helping my brother to defeat the enemys.
But yeah nothing in the series is what I'm looking for in a FPS.
(I promise I will not argue or fight you about this. I'm seriously just curious.)
Now my hot take...Half Life 2? Overrated. Glorified tech demo.
Played it when I was a kid yeaaaaars ago and was like "eh" tried it again as an adult and was like "Eh"
For me personally I despise halo X3