All he cares about is enriching himself and his friends / families - unless this is stopped (and I see no political will to do so in America) then this will end up the same way most dictatorships do. A question of when not if……….
There seems to be a widespread belief that Trump is an American patriot and that he's making all these 'errors' that will damage American interests globally.
Looking at it from the opposite direction - that America has been infiltrated hook line and sinker... and things make a lot more sense.
Unfortunately he's not weak. He's like a poker player that sits down at the table who has 20 times more cash than the rest of the table combined.. I absolutely agree with you about him as a man and can only hope he self destructs as his plans get more and more extraordinary
Holy crap! Our (UK) government actually stood up for something, and against America, no less!
Still being decidedly lax with the "Stop threatening Canada, she's part of the Commonwealth" but glad to see signs of gumption given how much Ukraine needs and deserves support.
Let’s not forget the security assurances that were given to Ukraine when they were asked to give up their nuclear weapons. Both US and UK were signatories and guarantors. And my words precisely, who the f does he think he is? US withdrawal of support should at least = no say in the negotiations.
Rosenberg this morning explained the growing social Unrest in Ukraine caused by corruption where the rich avoid conscription through bribery. Those fighting are growing increasingly discontent.
You can’t sustain that kind of pressure in the war without cracks. It really does need to stop. For everyone’s sake. But this complete nonsense that it’s Ukraine’s and NATO’s fault and that Ukraine needs to concede to all demands is ridiculous. Putin is the one who started it and must end it.
Yes. Sir Alex Younger was spot on this morning, in his thoughtful, intelligent and (obviously) well-informed description of Trump as a hopeless negotiator. Giving the opposition what they want before talks is not a negotiation. Utter weakness.
Trump is a lazy armchair pundit, he knows nothing about foreign policy nor does he attempt to do the necessary work a President would do to understand a subject; he’s thick
What gives Trump any authority in any peace talks here?
Surely the talks are between Ukraine (the attacked) and
Russia (the attacker) not between Russia and the US?
Am I right or am I losing my marbles?
Trump has no business in talks to end a war he has no part in.
I agree wholeheartedly, but the problem remains that he is sitting on top of a very large arsenal of nuclear weapons. Putin's nuclear capabilities have caused the world to treat him with kid gloves. Now he has a new friend.
Well said. It’s true. Trump needs taking down a whole ladder of pegs. I wonder whether that will ever happen. Maybe he’ll just die of MacDonald’s artery first.
The most important aspect of this is for all of Europe to recognise that the US are no longer an ally to be relied upon. Not in defence or trade.. the post WW2 world order has fundamentally changed with this man in power.
Absolutely correct! America is no longer big brother! Europe with the countries who belong with NATO must strengthen themselves and stand strong against Russia
Looking at it from the opposite direction - that America has been infiltrated hook line and sinker... and things make a lot more sense.
Still being decidedly lax with the "Stop threatening Canada, she's part of the Commonwealth" but glad to see signs of gumption given how much Ukraine needs and deserves support.
The war can stop in just 1 minute if the war criminal Putin gives the order to his military to withdraw from Ukraine.
It’s the rich in Russia that’s been buying their way out of subscription.
Rosenberg is reporting FROM RUSSIA.
I had even missed things Trump has done!
Surely the talks are between Ukraine (the attacked) and
Russia (the attacker) not between Russia and the US?
Am I right or am I losing my marbles?
Trump has no business in talks to end a war he has no part in.