Here he is.
"Strong men make peace, weak men make war. Today President Trump stood bravely for peace. Even if it was difficult for many to digest. Thank you, Mr. President!"
EU's traitor.
"Strong men make peace, weak men make war. Today President Trump stood bravely for peace. Even if it was difficult for many to digest. Thank you, Mr. President!"
EU's traitor.
Strawberry or plain lube Mr President?
What is stopping them?
The gloves are off, send him to orcland
What a stupid cunt he is.
[ Orc-Ban ]
Phonetic (Standard)
Chiefly British and Australian Slang: Vulgar.
a contemptible person; jerk.
a male masturbator.
Orbán is fighting for the future of Hungary. An intact, sovereign Ukraine in the EU and NATO will reduce Hungary to a memory. Orbán is fighting to retain Hungary's influence.
Thank You, Ukraine!!!
if they wanted to lick it’s butt.