"Churches are closing in Ukraine, elections are canceled, and the government fully controls the media" — U.S. Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard talking about 'values'.
This is exactly what Russian propaganda shows and the Kremlin are constantly claiming.
This is exactly what Russian propaganda shows and the Kremlin are constantly claiming.
Tusk is right. We are 500m people asking 300m to protect us from 140m. We must be able to deal with Russia ourselves.
The rest of us will stop listening, and they'll end up in political isolation where they belong.
She lies!
Elections canceled is because of the war and in line with Ukraine's constitution
only Russia controls their media, Ukraine has free press.
Just do what we do in the US, use the churches for brainwashing! Have fake elections that look legit! And let your billionaires buddies buy the medias so it looks like they're free!
We can and will protest but we need MASSIVE numbers.
You are left with the second amendment for now, but the Kremlin knows it must be done with that too and Trunp and Project 2025 have your right to bear arms in crosshairs
But that time is no more
Imagine if they spent all that time and energy being magnanimous and worldly. They could be real participants!
But alas, they are all Orcs. Born from hell and sulfur.
I think it's the FIRST TIME ever in human history that the most powerful country is conquered by a weaker State without a single drop of blood shed.
Maybe a wedding in middle-age Europe ? But European countries back then were not "the most powerful".
And these are really old Russian propaganda points. The churches closed down were closely allied to RU (spying) so Ukraine kicked them out. How do you hold elections in war zones? And controlling media is bs. These claims are all true of RU.
If she did 5 minutes of research she would know that Russia is dropping bombs on every place where people gather including churches.
I'm sorry Ukraine, they are all in for Putin/ Russia.
We'll keep fighting for you.
Kremlin sellout.
It has stifled the media, acted illegally and allows civilian contractors access to information which is vital to national security.
Tulsi Gabbard needs to look closer to home.
Im tired of these idiots and their half truths ffs