In 2019 I was able to find a WFH job that I still have today. I had no idea how much I'd missed my kids until I was home again. Being at home is harder than going to a separate work location, but being home is more rewarding.
To every woman who works, supports a family, cares for them and herself my deepest regards and l applaud your courage and dedication. Power to women all over the world.
Wild animal moms by FAR, are HARDEST WORKING MOMS ON THIS PLANET.NO ARGUMENT. No matter what job u have as a human,u don't have to ensure your neighbor isn't going to eat your kids,or some ignorant human who hates you isn't going to hit you with their car on purpose,or wear your kids as a fur coat.
Stay at home moms work very hard and without pay.
It was way easier to go to a job away from home everyday day than it was to be a SAHM. 💙
Our son photographed this singer in a sanctuary: