You know, back in the late eighteenth century when they started doing elections, it was because a lot of rich folks realized the other option wasn’t so great for them after all….
Lutheran Social Services is also one of the few refugee resettlement organizations that officially work with the government to place/support refugees in the States.
Government waste refers to humans, we are in a country run by eugenicists. They want the old people to die, they want the disabled to die, they want trans people to die, they want gay people to die.
In their ideal world either nature kills us from lack of healthcare or we kill ourselves.
Elon has no desire to directly hurt people, he doesn’t see this as getting blood on his hands he is reducing waste, we are the waste. If we aren’t “filtered” his “utopia” is impossible. It’s all part of his “great filter” ideology.
Well most people in SD are GOP. Maybe this is the jolt they need to get clarity. We all know there would be a hard part first. Now I just hope there’s a second part.
In Elon’s world, it’s “be productive or die.”
In their ideal world either nature kills us from lack of healthcare or we kill ourselves.