A thread.
It's intensifying.
A Brown professor from Brown university:
It's intensifying.
A Brown professor from Brown university:
When there were some Orthodox rabbis saying horrible things about Reform Jews?
The Hasidim and the Mitnagdim?
When the French rabbis burned the Mishneh Torah?
Pharisees vs Sadducees?
10 yrs ago (article)?
I'm afraid this isn't new, though it's having an ugly week.
Thanks for collecting these in one place. I've been particularly upset about Dr. Rasha Alawieh, for professional reasons. It's all horrible. But this is going to have an impact on medical training (previous Trump admin did too, to lesser extent)
Increasingly often our young medical residency applicants use "partner" for either same- or opposite-sex relationships and I love it because it just puts everybody on equal footing. But I know it also confuses ppl sometimes
The actions from Trump and his brown shirts is pure evil 🤬
Speak out.
Make Art.
Talk to your friends and family abut what is going on.
Check out: https://5calls.org, http://indivisible.org, https://47hexes.com and more.
what does respond mean ?
you have a lot of followers, surely you should offer a suggestoin ?
They didn't have anything reassuring to say.