Kim Namjoon’s 3-step guide to flirting:
1) Laugh very loudly at every joke
2) Tease frequently and with vigor, but keep the voice high and sweet
3) Slowly get closer on the couch until you have physically merged, in the manner of an amoeba consuming a smaller, more pliant amoeba
1) Laugh very loudly at every joke
2) Tease frequently and with vigor, but keep the voice high and sweet
3) Slowly get closer on the couch until you have physically merged, in the manner of an amoeba consuming a smaller, more pliant amoeba
1) Say the first thing that comes into your head, out loud
2) Challenge the other person to feats of strength, skill, speed, and bravery to show you are a provider
3) When the time feels right, unbutton two shirt buttons and wait silently
1) Feign helplessness for long enough to either be carried or do a jujitsu move
2) Keep eyebrows engaged at all times, whether smirking, smiling or doing a full body sweep
3) When collapsing onto someone in laughter, do so strategically for full-body touching
1) Construct an elaborate, movie-perfect scenario in which you are doing the most romantic possible thing
2) Execute this scenario as enthusiastically as humanly possible
3) Repeat as necessary until maximum Wooing level is reached
1) Utilize your closet full of matching pajama sets to set the tone
2) Announce that you are incredibly handsome in a tone that brooks no disagreement
3) Aquire some sort of vaguely sensual food to eat in an overtly sensual manner
1) Dimly perceive that someone might already be flirting with you
2) Laugh charmingly and sidle away faster than any human has ever sidled in the history of the world
3) Circle back and grip their pecs, just in case it alleviates some anxiety