Thank you. So many men have treated this like it was rocket science, when it is obviously women fighting back at the ballot box to try and get their rights restored. We won’t stop until it happens.
They literally can't believe it when women are telling them right to their face, when it's in their INTEREST to hear what the women are telling them (if, for example, they're running for office, or weighting polls or writing think pieces for a living). It's incredible.
I haven't told many of the men I know just how red hot rage I am about all this and I do not answer to unknown numbers or open emails from unknown senders.
my fury is unbounded and I've never been polled. how many like me are there
If I - the father of a woman - am ENRAGED by the gutting of Roe, I can imagine that many women are white-hot with rage. And they all have Fathers/Brothers/Husbands/Boyfriends- some of whom are douchy Trump trash- but many of whom are just good dudes. We are ANGRY.
Really feels like we will know the outcome of the election as soon as we get the Florida results. Harris doesn’t have to win there, but if it’s close then I think it’s safe to assume she’s gonna win the toss-ups.
I think Florida won't tell us much unless Harris is doing better than expected, because it's possible that FL has shifted redder than the rest of the country in the last 4 years.
He'd still have a path, but it would be a sign of bad news for him. 538 gives him a 9% chance of winning if he loses NC. And that's because there would be assumption that a loss in NC (a state he won last time) means he's even less likely to win other states he also lost last time.
Seeing the apparent backlash against Dobbs in polling, I think of the sheer fucking contempt demonstrated by men who want to force women to die waiting for lifesaving care who at the same time shit themselves raw at the thought of having to wear a simple MEDICAL MASK for a single fucking instant
Watching Ann Selzer discussing the Pres and Congressional races - part of what she says we're seeing is the new 6 week abortion ban that took effect this year, and the reality for people living with that law
No one saying "it's the economy" has ever had bodily autonomy taken away
Nothing new, but incredible.
my fury is unbounded and I've never been polled. how many like me are there
I helped put Kamala there! 💙🔥
No one saying "it's the economy" has ever had bodily autonomy taken away
Interesting convo
ic what he did there