Very hopeful that Thomas retired soon. Combine that with Sotomayor's untimely passing and I think we will have a very young 7-2 majority for decades to come!
Why would it get under their skin? Alito and Thomas simply do the bidding of their donors. They follow orders in return for lavish gifts. Perhaps it’s the Federalist society who asked them to push back.
These ‘strict constructionist’ assholes use bespoke versions of history to cause, as Scalia liked to say, “death to the living constitution” & trap us all in their MAGA dystopia. But they can’t deny the rich culture & vastly different history of Hawai’i. Hell hath no fury like a hypocrite scorned!
Marbury v. Madison | 5 U.S. 137 (1803) literally shows strict constructionist isn't a valid interpretation theory - as it literally grants previously unstated rights/powers of judicial review to the Supreme Court.
Not to mention that their dim view includes the presumption that people fled & defeated colonial monarchic rule only to draft a constitution lacking responsiveness to future developments, preferring to themselves & posterity in jurisprudential amber
I was listening to Kavenaugh's questions recently. He's frankly a bit of an idiot. Why isn't there an SNL section this weeks "Dumb as a rock" Supreme Court justice? They wouldn't even have to parody it, just read out what they said.
I like this quote. "But Thomas and Alito protest too much: Their grousing is pure projection, accusing the Hawaii Supreme Court of committing the same sins at the heart of their own Second Amendment rulings."
What a couple of big babies. They love to dish it out but cannot take it.
Somebody disagreeing with your reasoning should not provide you with the opportunity to throw a childish tantrum. Thomas, Alito, you two need to act like professionals you are suppose to be. Not like a couple of 5 year old children.
The Democrats failed this country entirely when they refused to even entertain Supreme Court reform when they had the chance to do so. Now we are so screwed...
What a couple of big babies. They love to dish it out but cannot take it.