I can only hope that one of the first thing someone at CDC does is given Kennedy a tour of a facility that handles biohazards and not offer him a hazmat suit.
so many babies will die 😑
so many elders will die 😑
GOP are not republicans anymore
all bills,you hear me ?all bills needing bipartisan’s ok must be blocked - it will freeze federal agencies? People might “hate” u?Fake news:they will want the fight coz they are already fired by thousands
I say it again; Sirhan Sirhan is a rookie Time Cop who went too far back and popped the wrong RFK and has had to spend the rest of his life pretending to be nuts to preserve what little is left of the timeline he fucked up.
Clearly, Republicans have a disdain for government. Just look at their picks for cabinet posts. All hate government, want to defund it, obstruct it and use it for their personal wealth.
Government is the core element of any civilized society. Republicans continue to embrace uncivilized behavior!
A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Far cry from Lincoln’s government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
We always knew the reason for increased rates of Autism
The media didnt care to listen
It wasnt sensational enough to sell ads
so many babies will die 😑
so many elders will die 😑
GOP are not republicans anymore
all bills,you hear me ?all bills needing bipartisan’s ok must be blocked - it will freeze federal agencies? People might “hate” u?Fake news:they will want the fight coz they are already fired by thousands
This destruction of America is brought to you by
The largest collection of spineless hypocrites known to the human race
Just plain old bunch of
Either way, history will recount for decades, if not centuries
Their families will surely be grateful
The more people who die from pandemics, starve to death, freeze to death the happier they are. They do not care if they die as well.
Prove me wrong
I have such sadness for America. 😢
Government is the core element of any civilized society. Republicans continue to embrace uncivilized behavior!