Someone tell Jim only trusted locksmiths or rangers should have access to secure restrooms/showers at Yosemite. It’s not the Buckeye wrestling lockerroom where any perv can watch.
This is coming from the one congressman that still has a job. Has been a congressman since 2007 and mind you has not written ONE bill!! NOT ONE!! He should fill out Elon's weekly questionnaire....
I guess he needed some other drum to bang now that the "Russian Hoax" thing proved itself true.
OSU wrestlers testified in an inquiry about Gym Jordan’s complicity. A witness said Gym “😭” on phone begging wrestler to LIE.
Gym couldn't remember J6th phone calls with Trump & defied subpoena.
This is a good time to be quiet, Gym. Not when Ohio State students are being molested.
Hasn't he had enough?
These are the tough decisions Republican's run on
Not that little, run of the mill stuff,
National Security
Be sure to thank
these republican
fake legislators
Nobody will even go in the restrooms anymore because you fired the people who clean them.
A man credibly accused of complicity during the raping of OSU college wrestlers should not serve in Congress
MAGA is sinister