Mastodon has a serious spam problem which challenges my use of this platform.
Every day a person is creating new spam accounts to pollute the replies to my posts with Kremlin propaganda. Then when I block these accounts, the person creates new accounts and […]
Every day a person is creating new spam accounts to pollute the replies to my posts with Kremlin propaganda. Then when I block these accounts, the person creates new accounts and […]
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While that is a short-term solution, the rest of us will still see these comments and they have the potential to derail conversation or scare people off.
I hope it's possible to implement some sort of check on account behavior, maybe auto-flagging them for admins […]
I really wish, Mastodon took advantage of their pattern of following the same political accounts, because I do not think this is normal behavior.
I reckon, normal accounts discover accounts to follow organically. But this spammer creates his […]
Same. Mastodon is now big enough to attract effort to destabilise it and the people on it.
A plan is needed.
If you want I can show some Python code to automate things. It would involve making an application in your account, denoting the access code, and have some computer to run python.
Over 400 comments about "niggers", nazi shit, "die scumbag" and so on. Unable to moderate it at all. My instance has now purge queued, but it takes ages...
But filtering new accounts sounds better.