As they want to annexe Canada, take over Greenland, and walk into Gaza; the first two for minerals and the third is to build condos. That in the first 1.5 months, so what else is on their greedy minds? I think Don the Delusional (kings had nicknames) thinks he’s king of the world, not just the U.S.
Does that scare you? You are now living in a Fascist country no one trusts. You have broken your global word and sided with Russia. You are alone with Russia now. You should be scared and acting upon it.
Ethics are a foreign concept to Trump, Musk, and the GOP.
And based on what's happening, things will only get worse.
If you could use a laugh during these distressing times, check out "Dear Ethics Guy…Sage Advice from America's Morals Maven" at
#Trump never negotiated Erik #Erikson’s first epigenetic psychosocial stage in #infancy, “Basic trust vs. basic mistrust.” His needs weren’t met by #caregivers; he never knew the world is a safe place. His distrust is the result of unmet needs; his world is difficult or unreliable.
Just because a man puts on a crown on his head and calls himself a king, it doesn't make his a king! the land his not his kingdom, its God"s. it only makes the man in the crown, a fool, and in a godless circus of clowns-aka Trump and company
Yarvin crap big in SV with incel 4 Channers (nothing against nerds) who was influenced by British dude who wrote some manifesto thing while on meth. He later moved to Russia might still live there chilling and praising tyrants.
Trump is nothing more than a figurehead to sign the Executive Orders that are written for him. He hasn’t even read them. He doesn’t know what is in them. He couldn’t understand them if he did read them. He has made multiple comments “I think I signed something on this….”
And based on what's happening, things will only get worse.
If you could use a laugh during these distressing times, check out "Dear Ethics Guy…Sage Advice from America's Morals Maven" at
#Ethics #Trump #Musk #GOP
This endless, repetitive spew of lies and misinformation is not 'free speech', it a method for programming humans.
'I will not throw rocks at Sally'
100 times.
Just sayin'
#FuckTrump #Resist
USA --> UHsdiaA
#TripleThreat: #TimeSpace #Cost #Scope
I just want to be alone.
Toddlers are accountable to their parents and their actions have personal consequences.
Kings are accountable to no one and their subjects suffer the consequences of royal actions.
Unless you remember the French Revolution.
The ultimate power has always resided in the people.