There needs to be an age limit, term limits from top to bottom. The amount of corruption on both sides runs deep. There needs to be a political reckoning. Americans aren't there yet. They are still latching on to the 2 party system, albeit 2 extremist parties now.
After civil and world wars. Flee or fight, hide, or drink the Orange Kool Aide, based on your health and disposition. This is Germany, 1932, not Woodstock 1968. We are 🪛'd. No one leaves this unaffected.
if #🍊 succeeds in implementing his plan, a plan that seems well thought out, could take many years. All his choices have been made on loyalty and not merit. His people will take care who wins elections from now on.
The best way to insure national elections in '26 is for people to get involved NOW. Actively encourage people to register to vote. Volunteer at your county's voter registration office. Join your closest INDIVISIBLE chapter-many conduct ZOOM meetings, organize legal demonstrations. Great people, too.
I keep pointing out that Vance has been front and center a lot recently, and even seen with the spoiled milk bag. They're probably prepping him to resume in the event something happens to rotting orange. The whole group would need to be expunged from their positions.🫠
Supposed to be in 4 years, but I don’t think he plans on leaving. He’s already got Congress talking about amending the Constitution so he can serve another term after this one. I for one, would be extremely happy if for any reason, he doesn’t finish this term. Impeachment, resignation, health etc.
Glad you asked. Please watch this IMPORTANT Independent Analysts Predication (I know it's a bit dry) on where this Administration is taking American Society to their Detriment on the World Stage.
I’m told this is how it felt during the height of the Cold War. Funny how survivors of that particular existential threat happen to lean MAGA now. We have learned nothing as a people.
Sorry to be crass, but *it is fucking over* and has been. These final years are simply what history will remember before everything is completely collapsed.
Will democracy have died with a whimper or not - that is the question.
I think it's a fallacy to assume this will be over if we have a democracy after the Trump administration. A significant portion of democrats are only democratic to vote no on vastly popular bills that corporate America needs to survive and step on progress made by colleagues. Citizen welfare is bad
Never if the cowardly don’t step up and grow a spine and finally take a stand for what’s right. Shut it down before they burn it down.
Care to guess how many times I've warned that things are going to get worse over the past seven years? Countless.
At the heart of the problem lies the myth of American exceptionalism. Our collective narcissism has blinded us from the truth. It will be our downfall if we all don't wake up soon.
In USA it’s hard to remove a wannabe dictator.
People have to work harder!
Unless there would be a party rising which works on rebuilding the USA after the Scandinavian models.
About 70 years.
Episode 64: Dems May Back GOP Bill to Avert Gov’t Shutdown (If There’s Any Gov’t Left to Shut Down)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Potify (for poker players).
#Schumer #Trump
A moment of joy😃, followed by a deep, dark depression😧.
The Three Stooges of America
Which is 46 months and 6 days TOO DAMN LONG. 😩
Let’s see how this weekend pans out, but if still nothin fb after that… yikes
Will democracy have died with a whimper or not - that is the question.
Human history is one looonngg tribal conflict.
Pax American WAS the exception to the rule.
-Porky Bacon Rashers
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
At the heart of the problem lies the myth of American exceptionalism. Our collective narcissism has blinded us from the truth. It will be our downfall if we all don't wake up soon.